Safety and Wellness at Camp!

Your child’s physical and emotional safety are a top priority at Robin Hood. Our Leadership Team members regularly review camp procedures to ensure the health and safety of our campers. In fact, this team meets daily when camp is in session and at least once a month during the off-season. Prior to the arrival of our first camper, all camp staff participate in extensive annual training (and weekly training throughout the summer) to instill our high regard for providing a safe and positive environment for everyone. Our in-house leaders share their diverse expertise during staff training, supplemented by leading industry experts from outside of Robin Hood. We are proud to have such amazing and well-trained counsellors, activity instructors and swim staff!

Of course, we hope our campers never get sick, but if they do, this wonderful team gives them all the attention and support they need. And if your child requires daily medications or other special medical attention, our nurses are available to help!

Key Policies

We take the safety of your child extremely seriously. Below we review key policies that are designed to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable camp experience.

Sunscreen at Camp

Day camp in an outdoor setting requires particular attention to the effects of the sun. Our commitment to sun safety involves particular attention to parent education and staff training. We ask that parents apply sunscreen prior to campers leaving their home each day and our camp staff will schedule regular re-application at camp. Parents are asked to leave the sunscreen of their choice at camp so that our trained staff can either directly assist our campers or supervise them depending on their age and skill.

Staff Health Training

Camp Robin Hood runs extensive pre-camp training for all of our staff. During this training, our health team ensures that all staff are competent with basic first-aid care and principles. Safety comes first and we want to ensure that everyone has an understanding of how to make camp fun and enriching while maintaining a safe environment for all.

Our staff also participate in training that identifies the uniqueness of our outdoor setting and our directors are responsible for directly training our staff in all aspects of best-in-class risk management so that both campers and staff can enjoy their days at Robin Hood.

Having a child with life-threatening allergies makes choosing a camp a very important decision. I have never come across directors and health staff that have such an understanding of the challenges involved and staff that are able to diligently execute safe practices so that every child is included and safe at camp. My kids have been at Robin Hood for 5 years now. They love it and I don’t worry about their safety. A win-win!

- Sharon N