Camp Robin Hood is privileged to have some of the happiest parents out there – and we love that you talk! Answering questions for your friends, providing helpful insight, and recommending Camp Robin Hood. … Our Referral program will reward you for doing just that …

How the Program Works

It is easy. We pay $75 for every new family that is referred to Robin Hood. Of course, as is the case for you, they must pay their bill in full and attend at least one full session. There is no limit to the number of referral fees you can qualify for!

At the end of the summer, Patti will contact each family who qualified as a “Referrer”. You can choose to take the cash or apply the amount to next year’s camp fees. Your choice.

How to Refer Someone

All you have to do is spread the word. New families are asked on their registration form for the name of the family or person who referred them to Robin Hood. That is it.

Hearing firsthand about other family’s experiences with a camp is often the single greatest factor that influences where parents choose to send their children. So simply sharing your family’s story is all it takes. Here are some options:

  1. It’s a simple conversation to have. Either directly at swim lessons or in the playground after school or via email to your network: Are you choosing a day camp for next summer? If you are, I wanted to let you know about our family’s experience with Camp Robin Hood …
  2. Have a few friends get together? We can help you set up a “home party”. We are happy to supply snacks and come too. We would love the opportunity to meet families and share the Camp Robin Hood experience in person.


Here are some additional Camp Robin Hood facts that might be interesting ….


What if they forget to list us on their form?

Have no fear. Just email Patti at and let her know the name of the family you referred.

Patti will then follow up with the family to verify. Once she speaks to them, she will then update the referral database.

Remember, the family must be new to Robin Hood. Also, they have to register, pay and attend camp for at least one full 2-week session in order for you to qualify for the referral bonus. And please let them know that once they register, they are free to receive the benefits of the referral program as well.