Our Policy
The COVID-19 pandemic is an evolving public health issue in Canada. Camp Robin Hood is committed to providing and maintaining a safe camp environment for all. Consistent with this commitment, Camp Robin Hood has established this COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for staff and campers for the 2022 camp season. This policy requires that all eligible staff and campers be fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
We believe the benefits are as follows:
- Camper & Staff Attendance: It will assist us in avoiding extended absenteeism (both camper & staff) should a case arise. Maintaining appropriate camper/staff ratios is very important and we believe that this policy will allow us to more effectively manage cases of individuals with COVID-19 symptoms and outbreak management.
- Camp The Way It Is Meant To Be: The authenticity of the camp experience for our campers will be better protected if everyone at camp, who is eligible, is vaccinated. By implementing a vaccine requirement, it is our hope that measures we had to take in 2021 may be reduced and/or eliminated allowing us to return to a typical pre-pandemic camp experience.
- Managing Risk For Our Whole Community: With a significant population of campers each week that are currently ineligible to receive the vaccination (those turning 5 and younger), we feel that the overall stress and anxiety levels about a life threatening COVID-19 case emerging at Robin Hood will be diminished.
Many of the current questions related to child vaccinations are answered here.
Our camp is monitoring guidance from all applicable public health authorities and reserves the right to revise this policy as determined to be necessary or appropriate. It is recommended that campers and their parents/guardians consult with their pediatrician or healthcare provider regarding COVID-19 vaccinations.
Vaccination Policy FAQ’s